"We're Looking For A Few More E-Commerce Brand & Store Owners..."
... if that's you, we will help you save money on taxes and keep more of your profits so you can grow your business to the next level... GUARANTEED.
Watch This Short Video To Learn How New A Proper Expansion Strategy For Your Business Can Virtually Guarantee You Keep MORE Of Your Profits...
Watch this video ASAP. This Is An Extremely Limited Offer.

James Baker, CPA
Internationally Recognized Tax Expert
Author, Entrepreneur, Investor

Here's what you'll discover with your custom tax strategy:
  • The 3 mistakes most E-com brand owners make when setting up in the US that costs them THOUSANDS if they don't take care of it.
  • The NEW form introduced by the IRS that most business owners don't know could cost them $25,000 a year if they don't submit on time.
  • The one thing that's more important than setting up your new company (miss out on this and risk losing it all!)
  • The best jurisdiction to set yourself up in to pay the least amount of taxes (especially in E-com)
  • ​The exact tax forms you need to get your brand off the ground.
  • ​The 31 types of transactions that you need to report to the IRS (and the x you should never report - unless you want to pay taxes forever)
  • The little-known way to structure your company so you minimize expenses and protect your assets from any future litigation.​
  • ​... and much, much more!
Click the button below and let's get you started:
But don't just take my word for it...

Here's what everyone's saying about our custom E-com global tax strategies

"It's an absolute pleasure working with him."
"I needed a bank account and a company. He did it in three days."
"I don't need to worry about it anymore."
"Jim is very organized. I wholeheartedly recommend him."
"They help me design tax-efficient strategies."
"Always an absolute pleasure."

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